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California Legislature Expands Access to Comprehensive & Affordable Health Care with AB 2258

For immediate release:

AB 2258, a bill requiring health plans and health insurers to cover services integral to the delivery of recommended preventive services, passed the Legislature and now awaits the Governor's signature.

SACRAMENTO, CA — Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur (D-Hollywood) announced today that AB 2258, a bill designed to ensure all Californians—especially low-income individuals—have access to comprehensive and affordable preventive health care, has passed the Legislature and now heads to the Governor's Desk. This bill, sponsored by Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, Equality California, APLA Health, the Los Angeles LGBT Center, and the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, solidifies California's commitment to preventive health care.

AB 2258 was introduced in response to growing concerns that recent federal court cases could undermine critical patient protections under the Affordable Care Acts. The bill seeks to codify in California law longstanding federal guidance requiring health plans and insurers to cover services that are integral to the delivery of recommended preventive care without cost sharing to the consumer. These services include critical health interventions such as reversible contraceptives, pre-exposure prophylaxis and post-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP and PEP), and screenings for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

"This bill represents a critical step in protecting access to preventive health care for all Californians," said Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur. "A study found that even a $10 cost for HIV prevention medication doubled prescription abandonment rates, increasing the risk of HIV infections. Barriers like these force people to choose between their health and basic necessities. With recent court decisions casting doubt on federal protections for preventive care, AB 2258 is more important than ever. This bill will enshrine these protections in state law, ensuring that Californians continue to have access to vital preventive services like contraceptives and HIV prevention, regardless of what happens at the federal level."

"Preventive health care is life-saving care and we need to protect insurance benefits from activist conservative judges who could try to take them away," said Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, who is California's first LGBTQ+ statewide elected leader. "By enshrining these protections in California law, AB 2258 would guarantee preventive care and medications without cost-sharing to close health gaps for women, seniors, our LGBTQ+ community and many other Californians."

"While MAGA extremists are trying to undermine and repeal the Affordable Care Act, California is once again taking control of its own future and protecting the health and wellbeing of our communities," said Equality California Executive Director Tony Hoang. "AB 2258 is a crucial proactive step to guarantee that LGBTQ+ and ALL Californians will not be stripped of access to affordable preventive care. We are grateful to Assemblymember Zbur for championing legislation that affirms our state's unwavering commitment to health equity and to the California Legislature for ensuring that vital preventive health services remain accessible and affordable."

"APLA Health is proud to cosponsor AB 2258," says Craig Thompson, CEO of APLA Health. "Removing barriers to lifesaving preventive care is critical to reducing new cases of HIV and STIs. By protecting Californians by codifying current federal regulations into state law, we can continue to effectively reduce the number of new HIV and STI transmissions among the communities most impacted and ​most impeded in accessing care."

"The Los Angeles LGBT Center is a proud supporter of SB 996 because for too long PBMs have caused unnecessary barriers to care for patients, including those living with HIV. Pharmacies owned by the PBMs can lead to culturally incompetent LGBTQ+ healthcare or delayed medication delivery, which risks negative health outcomes, especially in HIV treatment and prevention. We are grateful for Senator Weiner's and Assemblymember Zbur's championing of this tremendous cause," said Nicole Thibeau, Director of Pharmacy Services at the Los Angeles LGBT Center.

"Thank you to the California legislature for passing AB 2258, and prioritizing greater access to important preventive health services for Californians," said Tyler TerMeer, PhD, CEO of San Francisco AIDS Foundation. "As our state makes progress on getting to zero new HIV infections, and improving the health of all people living with or at risk for HIV, we must continue to ensure that barriers to HIV testing and prevention are addressed and eliminated. We urge Governor Newsom to take action to sign this bill into law, ensuring better access to necessary preventive health care services."

The Governor has until September 30, 2024 to sign the bill.

Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur serves as the Democratic Caucus Chair for the California State Assembly and represents the 51st Assembly District, which includes Universal City, Hollywood, Hancock Park, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Westwood, West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and other portions of Los Angeles.

CONTACT: Vienna Montague, (916) 319-2051,