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Zbur Bill to Increase Access to Gender-Affirming Care Moves to Senate

For immediate release:

Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur's bill to expedite medical licensure for gender-affirming care advances out of the Assembly and moves to the Senate with bipartisan support

SACRAMENTO, CA — Assembly Democratic Caucus Chair Rick Chavez Zbur (D-Hollywood) has announced that the California State Assembly has passed AB 2442, the Increasing Access to Gender Affirming Care bill, on a bipartisan basis. AB 2442, sponsored by Equality California and Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, ensures that licensure applications for providers of gender-affirming care are prioritized to ensure a robust network of providers in the state is able to meet the needs of out-of-state transgender patients who come to California to seek care that is banned in their home state. By championing this initiative, California can continue to serve as a beacon of inclusivity and reinforce access to quality gender-affirming care.

"This year, more than 40 states have introduced over 500 bills that block transgender people from receiving basic health care, education, legal recognition, and the right to publicly exist," said Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur. "As these bans on crucial services like health care go into effect, California must be prepared to provide this vital care and serve as a beacon of hope to LGBTQ+ and transgender communities experiencing this discrimination and cruelty. AB 2442 allows for qualified providers to be quickly licensed to treat transgender residents in California, and transgender visitors seeking refuge."

AB 2442 now moves to the California State Senate where it will be heard in the coming weeks.

Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur serves as the Democratic Caucus Chair for the California State Assembly and represents the 51st Assembly District, which includes Universal City, Hollywood, Hancock Park, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Westwood, West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and other portions of Los Angeles.

CONTACT: Vienna Montague, (916) 319-2051,